An Exploding Online Book Opportunity

The internet has created an entirely new kind of shopper. More readers are buying books online than ever before. And what they want, is the latest book, in the fastest time, at the lowest cost.

To help publishers and readers ride the digital opportunity, we’ve developed a tech platform that helps publishers and readers tap into this Global and India opportunity even as it unfolds.

Our mission is to get more books.. to more readers… through more channels… anywhere in the world.

A Growing Book Market

India is one of the world’s fastest growing book markets.
Currently, India is the 6th largest book market in the world.
With the total number of internet users in India expected to grow rapidly, the number of people expected to buy books online is staggering.

Recognising the need and potential of the market, getting titles on
e-platforms so that they are visible to millions of potential readers, is the task at hand for all publishers.

The tech platform we have created, does just that. By digitizing and making titles available online, and printing them on demand to reach a reader anywhere, our solution is disrupting an age old publishing process. And enabling publishers take advantage of the massive opportunity the internet has thrown their way.

Disrupting an Age Old
Publishing System

The publishing process is an old one and is often disorganised and unwieldy.
Publishers have deal with challenges like:

  • Inefficient and very high costs and wastage of warehousing and inventory.
  • The limited reach of the traditional distribution system.
  • Hard to sell inventory and obsolete titles resulting in wastages and losses.
  • The bane of returns and collections.

The Repro tech platform seeks to do away with these challenges with a disruptive tech solution.

The Repro Tech Solution

Publishers can now take full advantage of the online revolution with our tech platform.

The Repro solution ensures that publishers’ get their books to their readers through:

  • Online channels – by aggregating, digitising, listing titles on online stores, producing on demand and delivering anywhere.
  • Schools – by reaching K-12 students through online storefronts, elivering directly educational books to their doorstep.
  • Bookshops – by offering a unique solution that helps minimise bookstore inventory, while maximising sales.

Backed by Cutting Edge Infrastructure

To help publishers explore the potential of the online book opportunity, we have specially designed and customised
state-of-the-art infrastructure for publisher’s requirements.

  • Custom built Print-on-Demand facilities across India to service different regions.
  • Production facilities at a Special Economic Zone to
    drive cost efficiencies.
  • Production capabilities of one-to-million books.

The Print on Demand Facility has a full solution that ensures a book is produced and delivered as soon as it is ordered. It is equipped with state-of-the art infrastructure that completes the process from end to end.

  • Order Processing.
  • Printing on Special customized POD machines.
  • Binding, Finishing and kitting.
  • Delivery to last mile providers.

The Repro tech platform seeks to do away with these challenges with a disruptive tech solution.

Addressing Every Publisher

Whether a publisher is in the educational space or a part of the trade industry; whether they are based in India or elsewhere in the world; whether they have a single title or thousands… we have a solution that will work.

  • Our solution includes titles that are listed online and produced after the title is bought.
  • Our customised POD facility ensures the title is sent to the reader in the shortest possible time. For international publishers we offer the benefits of production from our SEZ facility.
  • To enhance our service offering to multinational as well as Indian publishers, we have tied up strategically with the Ingram Content Group. This brings with it a slew of benefits – to publishers and readers.

Ready to take off with ?

All the online book solutions you’ve been looking for are right here.